March 10, 2008

My New Website
is a place to share exciting and harmless office humour - be it small-time gossip, chit-chat, funny pictures or amusing videos. We believe there is always some element of this fun remaining to be discovered around your space

Check out these funny videos

March 9, 2008

Lessons from Sports

Landed here again, after a long long time .... a lot has happened in between, and I think the most significant change has been my marriage. And I am smiling about it, even after it! :)

That aside, it's a little unfortunate to see how sports injury can really put one down. Quite funnily, and philosophically too, every little thing that happens in sports is so well true in other walks of life as well. Lessons that are learnt here, like they call it, are quite portable.

I am trying to train for a half-marathon now, and had been pushing myself quite a bit. I said - "you can do it!". I believed, yet again, and somewhat mistakenly, it's all in the mind... that the body will follow as I push myself harder. But that does not seem to be the case. I over-exerted myself too early, and 3 weeks to go, I am unable to run at all due to my painful shin-splints. (Read up Maybe I lost a little patience too in between, and need to take things a little slower, and pay more attention to my body, than the mind. Cause at times, demotivation is more easily tackled than a bad sprain.

That's all!

I am applying some ice-pack now to heal. Wish me good luck!